Typical Schedule of Services
Confessions are available before vigil liturgy from 4:00pm-4:45pm or by appointment.
Vigil Divine Liturgy (English) is served at: 5:00pm.
Divine Liturgy (English) is served at: 10:00am.

Our God-Loving Bishop Will Visit on March 15th & 16th, 2025
Schedule of events:
- 9:40am: Third Hour
- 9:55am: The Bishop's Entrance to the Church
- 10:00am: Divine Liturgy with the Anointing of St. Michael's Church
- A Lenten Brunch with Bishop Robert at St. Michael's Social Hall
Preparing for your visit to a Byzantine Catholic church
If you are new to the Byzantine Catholic Church, you may find the following resources helpful:
Our God-Loving Bishop is visiting us.
Posted 02/23/2025
Read moreToday
Wednesday Mar 12th
Theophane Venerable-Confessor
- Our venerable father and confessor, Theophanes of Syngria, was banished by Emperor Leo the Armenian for his stand against the iconoclasts at the Second Council of Nicaea in A.D. 787. He died in exile in A.D. 818, bound and starved to death. Theophanes also composed the Liturgy of the Presanctified for the Eastern Churches, leaving a lasting spiritual legacy
Services at St. Michael Church
Schedule for this week
A star indicates an obligation
Monday 03/10: Codratus and Others - Martyrs
Tuesday 03/11: Sophronius Patriarch of Jerusalem
Wednesday 03/12: Theophane Venerable-Confessor
Thursday 03/13: Translation of the Relics of Nicephorus - Patriarch
Friday 03/14: Benedict Venerable
Services (1):
Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts w/ Panychida for All the Faithful Departed
Saturday 03/15: 2nd All Souls Saturday
Sunday 03/16: 2nd Sunday of the Great Fast, St. Gregory Palamas ★
Contact Us

Pastor: Fr. Michal Bučko
Address: 557 W 57th Ave, Merrillville, IN 46410Email: stmichaelmerrillville@parma.org
For contact regarding Fish Fry/Pirohi, call St. Michael's Social Hall: 219-980-9074