St. Nicholas Icon

St. Nicholas Apostolate

St. Nicholas Apostolate is affiliated organization of St. Michael's Parish for the works of social concern and charity. St. Michael's is also today collecting and distributing monies to parishioners who are in need of help. St. Nicholas Apostolate is led by parish priest and the help of the apostolate is per priest's discretion.

There is also the President, Vice-president and Treasurer of the fund to help quarterly to discuss fundraising and determine how best to meet the needs of our parish. You can contribute to the Apostolate through the box in the vestibule or by mail. St. Nicholas Apostolate has its own account and therefore please make checks payable to St. Nicholas Apostolate.

Our annual fundraisers: Soup & Salad Fundraiser (Spring) Octoberfest (Fall).

President: Susan Hohrun.
Vice-president: Elisabeth Babich
Treasurer: Carl Martikean
